Transform Uzhhorod Alliance
The well-established Transform Uzhhorod Alliance, consisting of 8 churches and 16 NGOs, has welcomed a new member – Mustard Seed Charter School led by Vasiliy Didichin. Vasiliy is a local businessman who founded the charter school to provide quality education. He also runs a financial game club teaching money management skills.
Vasiliy has already made significant contributions to the alliance’s mission of holistic community transformation. In partnership with Transform Ukraine, he recently conducted a family financial planning seminar in the city of Apostolove to benefit a newly formed alliance there.
Transform Apostolove Alliance
The Transform Apostolove Alliance launched with its first official event – Vasiliy’s financial seminar attended by around 100 people, including displaced families. This new alliance aims to collaboratively address physical, social, and spiritual needs. It comprises:
- 5 churches
- The acting mayor of Apostolove
- Directors of 4 city government departments
After meeting with the mayor to introduce the seminar, Vasiliy trained church leaders on facilitating accountability small groups. These groups will allow families to apply the financial principles learned while building relationships with churches to support their spiritual growth.
The integration of Vasiliy’s initiatives with both the Uzhhorod and Apostolove alliances demonstrates the power of partnership across sectors. Together, they are catalyzing holistic transformation where no one is invisible and everyone has access to food, freedom, and forgiveness.
Great work! Blessings to you and your team!