It never stops amazing me to hear about Ukrainian churches who are struggling themselves during this was with Russia, still find the resources and time to serve their country. Holy Trinity Church in Kyiv is one of those churches. With over half of their congregation either fighting on the front lines or living as refugees elsewhere, Pastor Ivan did not know how he would care for his own family with church tithes and offerings not able to cover his salary. That is where the Sister Church Association was born to provide for pastor families so that these pastors could continue to focus on their ministries. But when Russia blew up the Kakhovka Dam, the city of Kherson once again found itself suffering as victims of war as their city was soon under water. Holy Trinity Church was one of many churches that brought humanitarian aid to those who were suffering in the Kherson region. Pastor Ivan could concentrate on providing this aid because his sister church, Camelback Bible Church (Paradise Valley, Arizona) was caring for his family.