Ukraine Liberates Marinka – Day 55 (April 19, 2022)

Summary of the Events of the Day

Russian unsuccessfully launched nearly 20 concerted attacks against Ukrainian defense lines in the Donbas at much damage to their troops and equipment. In a counterattack, Ukraine captured Marinka putting their troops just 20 miles away from the Russian-led rebel capital of Donetsk.

Battle for the Skies

On Monday Ukraine shot down one fighter jet, four drones, and two cruise missiles.

As Ukraine is taking to the skies more and more with their planes, Russia has deployed anti-aircraft systems in the city of Belgorod.

Battle for the Donbas (Donetsk, Luhansk, Mariupol)

Russia launched seven attacks against Ukrainian forces on the Donbas Contact Line in the early hours Tuesday, but all were repulsed. Russia again suffered heavy losses – 10 tanks, 18 armored vehicles, 8 trucks, an artillery system, and a mortar system. A fighter jet and four drones were also shot down in the defense.

Throughout the night and early morning, Russian forces continued shelling civilian homes destroying another twelve. Half of them were in Kreminna which is now under their control and no need to destroy homes. Three homes were hit in Lysychansk and two in Rubizhne. Four civilians died in the attacks.

During the day Russia unsuccessfully launched ten major offensives against the Donbas Contact Line at different points. Ukrainian forces held their ground and inflicted heavy damage on Russian troops. Russia lost an SU-34 bomber, a KA-52 helicopter, four drones, one missile shot down, 12 tanks, 28 armored vehicles, one artillery system, and 2 trucks.

Russian forces attacked heavily from Izyum against Lozova and Barvinkove as they continue to attempt to widen their hole on the Ukrainian defense line at Izyum. Five civilians were killed in the attacks. Most of the civilians have evacuated the two cities already.

Russia gave another chance to the defenders of Mariupol to lay down their arms guaranteeing they will be allowed to live. Again, the Russians were met with silence. This was met with heavy bombs being dropped on the Azovstal steel factory where the 400 Ukrainian defenders are holed up. The factory was destroyed, and it is unknown if any Ukrainian defenders survived. Russian tanks also decimated the nearby residential area.

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In the evening, Ukrainian forces scored a major victory by taking Marinka, which is a suburb of the rebel-held capitol of Donetsk. Ukrainian forces are now only 20 miles away from the center of Donetsk.

Russia responded with a rocket attack against infrastructure in Kramatorsk killing one person.

Battle for Kharkiv

The Russian fired rocket-propelled grenade launchers at residential buildings all day in Kharkiv killing at least three civilians.

Battle for Kherson (Kherson, Mykolaiv, Kryvyi Rih, and Zaporizhia)

Russia fired missiles and artilleries at several houses in villages around Kryvyi Rih – Zelenodolsk, Maryanski, and Velyka Kostromka.

A long-range missile struck a residential area in Mykolaiv but only destroyed an electric pole. Two people were injured.

Russian forces unsuccessfully tried to punch through Ukrainian defenses at Pologi.

Russia bombed a hospital in Bashtanka destroying the reception room, operating room, and dialysis department. Fortunately, no one was killed but there were several injuries.

Battle for the Black Sea (Odesa)

After Ukraine sunk the Russian flagship Moskva, Russia has moved its fleet back 200 km from the Ukrainian coast preventing them from shelling the coastal cities.

Other News

For the third day in a row, Russia has not allowed Ukrainian civilians safe passage to evacuate the war zone as they continue to shell the region. But many Ukrainians have been able to evacuate anyway.

President Zelensky extended martial law in Ukraine for another thirty days until May 25.

International Support

Sixteen countries have reopened their embassies in Kyiv – EU, France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, the Vatican, Moldova, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. Where is the U.S.?

French President Emmanuel Macron called on Europe to stop purchasing Russian oil and gas which is funding their war efforts.

The U.S. threatened China with “serious consequences” if they provide any military help to Russia.

The U.S. delivered today to Ukraine 18 155mm howitzers, 40,000 rounds of artillery, 200 M113 armored personnel carriers, 11 Mi-17 helicopters, 100 armored multi-purpose vehicles.

US President Joe Biden hosted a video conference call with their allies to discuss assisting Ukraine in its defense against Russian genocide. After the meeting, several countries made pledges of weapons for Ukraine

  • U.S. will provide artillery weapons
  • Japan will provide nuclear, biological, and chemical protection suits as well as military drone.
  • The Netherlands pledged heavy weapons including armored personnel carriers.
  • Romania will provide weapons from their reserves.
  • Canada will provide artillery systems.
  • Finland and Italy also pledged to provide unspecified weapons.

New Zealand has expanded their sanctions against 18 Russian banks which handle 80% of Russia’s banking services.

Canada expanded their sanctions against Russia to include the Central Russian Bank and the children of Russian President Putin.

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