A Playground for the Rroma Children: Six Years in the Making

Six years ago, we embarked on a heartfelt mission to build a safe and joyful playground for the Rroma children in Uzhhorod. The inspiration for this project came after hearing tragic reports of children being struck by trucks while playing in the streets of their camps. Today, we are thrilled to share that our playground is now enroute across the Atlantic, ready to bring smiles and safety to these children.

A playground with a slide

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In 2020, during a visit to Corvallis, Oregon—Uzhhorod’s Sister City—the Corvallis Sister City Association (SCA) hosted Doug Landro, the Ukraine country director of One Collective, and founding member of Transform Ukraine. This visit proved pivotal as the SCA, driven by a shared vision to support marginalized Rroma communities, connected Doug with several local park directors to brainstorm ideas for the Rroma park. Remarkably, a local school undergoing renovations donated its playground equipment to our cause. With the assistance of Kids Around The World (KATW), volunteers from Corvallis SCA carefully disassembled the playground and prepared it for shipment to Ukraine.

A group of people outside

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A person standing next to a truck

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However, the project faced an unexpected delay due to the onset of the Russian invasion, which put our plans on hold. KATW generously stored the playground at their Portland warehouse for the past two and a half years, a period that turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The initial park site, donated by the City of Uzhhorod, was later found to pose environmental risks and potential safety concerns. This prompted a shift in our vision, leading to the idea of establishing a Rroma Social Life Center on a new property with ample space for the playground. This new location, under the vigilant care of the Church of Jesus Christ—a member of our Transform Uzhhorod Alliance—ensures a safe and nurturing environment for the children.

A group of people carrying a large object in a shipping container

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At a time when funds were generously donated for the playground’s shipment, everything began to fall into place, showcasing the orchestrated efforts of Lord Jesus Christ.

The journey continued with the Dungeness Community Church (Sequim, Washington) sending a volunteer team to Portland to prepare the official shipping inventory. Subsequently, Corvallis SCA and KATW organized volunteers to load the playground onto a container bound for Seattle. We anticipate the playground will arrive in Uzhhorod by the end of June. Following this, KATW will dispatch a professional team to reassemble the playground at the Rroma Social Life Center. To complete this final phase, we need to raise an additional $6000, which will also cover the cost of safe rubber base tiles for the playground area.

A group of people posing for a photo

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Transform Ukraine and One Collective extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who have supported this project with prayers and funds. It is through your unwavering support that this dream is becoming a reality. Together, we are creating a brighter and safer future for the Rroma children of Uzhhorod.

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