Sister Church Providing Living Water to Their Community

Svaboda (Freedom) Church, a key member of the Transform Apostolove Alliance, which includes five local churches, the acting mayor of Apostolove, and the heads of four city government departments, has recently celebrated a significant achievement.

The city of Apostolove faced severe challenges following the Russian invasion on February 24, 2022. On the first day of the invasion, Russian forces captured the Kakhovka Dam, located 65 miles from Apostolove, which supplied the city with water from the Kakhovka Reservoir. Although Russian forces advanced to within three miles of Apostolove, the city was spared from capture, and the front line has since been pushed back 25 miles.

Several large white containers in a room

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On June 6, 2023, the situation worsened when Russian forces blew up the Kakhovka Dam, leaving Apostolove without a water supply. However, due to the foresight and preparedness of the Sister Church Initiative, which was formed well before this disaster, Svaboda Church was able to respond promptly.

A person watering a water container

Description automatically generated with medium confidence Through the Sister Church Initiative, Svaboda Church had already established a partnership with Community Fellowship Church in West Chicago, Illinois. This existing relationship proved invaluable during the crisis. With the support of Community Fellowship Church and a generous donation from International Networx, our partner in the Velyki Lazy IDP Community project, Svaboda Church was able to dig wells and build a water purification plant.

One of the water stations is located on the site of Svaboda Church, where the community comes to receive water. This not only meets a critical physical need but also provides an opportunity for the church to build relationships with those who come for water. Through these interactions, the church shares the living water of Jesus Christ, offering spiritual support alongside the essential provision of clean drinking water.

This initiative ensured that the residents of Apostolove received clean drinking water during a time of dire need. The collaborative efforts of these churches and organizations highlight the power of unity and the importance of being prepared to support one another in times of crisis.

The success of this project stands as a testament to the resilience and solidarity of the Transform Apostolove Alliance and its partners, demonstrating a powerful example of community support and humanitarian aid.

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