Transforming Lives: The Rroma Social Life Center Takes Shape in Uzhhorod

In the heart of Uzhhorod, Ukraine, a beacon of hope is rising for the 8,500 impoverished Rroma within the city limits and the thousands more in surrounding camps. The Rroma Social Life Center, envisioned by Pastor Viktor Fontosh of the Church of Jesus Christ, is becoming a reality, promising to bring food, freedom, and spiritual forgiveness to a community long marginalized.

A house with a red roof and a red roof

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This ambitious project found its home in a property boasting nearly 10,000 square feet of land, strategically located across from Pastor Fontosh’s church. Thanks to the generous support of Vineyard Church (Ohio) and a little help from the Transform Uzhhorod Alliance, this ideal location was secured in May 2024, marking a significant milestone in our journey.

A group of trees in a field

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The momentum is building rapidly. We’re thrilled to report that a playground, donated by the Corvallis School system through the Corvallis/Uzhhorod Sister City Association, has arrived in Uzhhorod. Plans are underway for its installation, with Kids Around The World set to send a team for assembly.

A playground with a slide

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But this is just the beginning. The Rroma Social Life Center aims to be a comprehensive hub of support and empowerment. Our vision includes:

  • A food distribution center for families in need
  • Laundry services and shower rooms, addressing the lack of water systems in Rroma camps
  • A bakery providing employment and revenue for center maintenance
  • A mini-café fostering community and fellowship
  • A gym for young people
  • Legal services
  • Temporary housing for internally displaced people affected by the war
  • A manicure and hair salon
  • Job skill training services
  • A pre-school and primary school for Rroma children

Each of these elements is designed to address specific needs within the Rroma community, offering pathways to dignity, self-sufficiency, and social integration.

A group of people standing together

Description automatically generatedDelegation from Vineyard Church (Ohio) in One Collective Ministry Center

The progress we’ve made is inspiring, but there’s still much to be done. We invite you to be part of this transformative journey. Visit our website to learn about the next steps in building the Rroma Social Life Center and discover how you can contribute to this life-changing initiative.

Together, we’re not just building a center; we’re building a future where every Rroma family in Uzhhorod has access to the resources, opportunities, and support they need to thrive. Join us in making this vision a reality.

3 thoughts on “Transforming Lives: The Rroma Social Life Center Takes Shape in Uzhhorod”

  1. I am so impressed and excited about this! What a tangible testimony of Christ’s love for all peoples. This is so practical and helpful. I cannot wait to see the impact it has on the Roma people!

  2. We are so thrilled to be part of this wonderful vision. Please consider donating and praying for this ministry that could touch thousands! I’m so proud of what this loving powerhouse of a church is doing. God bless Pastor Victor Fontosh and the whole leadership team.

  3. victor and his congregation have done a wonderful job of showing the love of Christ to their Rroma community, may God bless them as they continue to be a light Uzhhorod.

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