A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Sending Church: Camelback Bible Church

In the vast tapestry of Christ’s work in Ukraine, many churches play vital and significant roles. While each one deserves recognition, today we want to shine a spotlight on a church that has been our steadfast partner for nearly three decades: Camelback Bible Church (CBC).

A group of people standing next to a table with a cake

Description automatically generatedA Journey of Faith and Partnership

My relationship with CBC began during my college years when I served on their young adult leadership team. This experience, though not my first as a youth pastor, was instrumental in shaping my skills before I headed to seminary. Even as I gained experience serving in other churches during my seminary years, CBC remained my spiritual home, never wavering in their support and encouragement.

When Christ called me to Ukraine, CBC stepped up in a monumental way, agreeing to be our sending church. Their commitment went far beyond financial support; they became our spiritual compass, ensuring we stayed true to our calling.

A Transformative Conversation

Perhaps the most pivotal moment in our partnership came after a presentation I gave on our work in Ukraine. One of CBC’s leaders approached me with a loving challenge that would reshape our entire ministry focus. He asked, “You shared about the important and good things you are doing in Ukraine, but what is Christ doing?” This simple question sparked a profound shift in our approach, leading us to focus on Christ’s work through us rather than our own efforts.

Unwavering Support Through the Years

CBC’s support has been a constant source of strength and encouragement:

  • They were among the first to send leaders to visit and encourage us in Ukraine.
  • They enthusiastically participated in our Sister Church program.
  • The children of CBC have held special offerings for various ministries, including publishing family devotion guides and children’s Bible coloring books.
  • They’ve provided scholarships for underprivileged Ukrainian families to send their children to our summer camps.
  • For two consecutive years, they’ve sent summer camp teams that have had a tremendous impact on traumatized children and youth.

A person standing next to a table with cakes

Description automatically generatedA Personal Touch

This past summer, during our U.S. visit, CBC’s warmth and thoughtfulness touched our hearts deeply. They organized a special luncheon where the congregation gathered to celebrate and hear about Christ’s work in Ukraine. The little details – a cake shaped like the Ukrainian flag and serving golubtsi, a traditional Ukrainian dish – spoke volumes about their care and attention.

Whenever we visit, the CBC family goes above and beyond to make us feel loved and supported. Their generosity and kindness never cease to amaze us.

Our Heartfelt Gratitude

Marina and I want to express our deepest love and appreciation to everyone at Camelback Bible Church. Your unwavering support, prayers, and partnership over these 27 years have been a cornerstone of our ministry. You’ve been more than a sending church; you’ve been family, walking alongside us every step of the way.

A group of people sitting in chairs

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Thank you, CBC, for being a shining example of Christ’s love and for your tireless commitment to His work in Ukraine. We are forever grateful for your partnership in the Gospel.

1 thought on “A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Sending Church: Camelback Bible Church”

  1. We are so excited to be a part of your life and ministry! What a joy to see God transforming Ukraine, one life at a time through your showing His love to so many hurting people. It is encouraging to see your commitment to the people of Ukraine and the work of God there, by staying, when so many left, at the beginning of this war. May God continue to bless you all and the work He is doing there. May He keep you all under His wing. We love you guys!

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