27 years ago Pastor Edik and his wife Erzhika started City of Life Church in Chop and then Uzhhorod. A decade ago they left to plant a sister church in Lviv and then Kyiv. He woke up early to prepare for a leadership seminar he was to give later in the day. But then the bombs began to drop all around him and he grabbed a backpack and important papers and he and his wife started their 27-hour non-stop journey by car to Uzhhorod. Fortuntely, he still owned the home his parents lived in while they were alive, but it had been abandoned for eight years and was in desperate need of repair. But instead of worrying about himself, he put all of his efforts to prepare for the wave of IDPs and refugees that were coming behind him. His church now cares for 42 IDP families and is one of our eight partner churches.