A Dream Realized: New Playground for Rroma Children in Uzhhorod

We are thrilled to announce a major milestone in our mission to improve the lives of Rroma children in Uzhhorod! After three years of dedicated effort, perseverance, and the incredible support of our prayer and financial partners, we are on the cusp of bringing a safe and vibrant playground to the community.

A playground with a slide

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The Journey

Our journey began when we learned about the heartbreaking injuries Rroma children were sustaining while playing in the streets. This sparked a vision: to create a safe haven where these children could play, laugh, and just be kids without fear of harm.

A Perfect Location

After an extensive search, we’ve secured the ideal spot for this playground. It will be situated at the Rroma Social Life Center, currently under construction by the Church of Jesus Christ – a Rroma church and valued member of our Transform Uzhhorod Alliance. This location ensures that the playground will be at the heart of the community it serves.

An Unexpected Blessing

Our project took an exciting turn during a visit to Corvallis, Oregon, arranged by the Corvallis/Uzhhorod Sister City Association (SCA). What started as a fact-finding mission to view sample parks led to an incredible opportunity. We discovered that a local school was upgrading their facilities and willing to donate their existing playground equipment – and it’s set to be one of the finest in all of Uzhhorod!

Community Effort

The SCA’s support didn’t stop there. They rallied volunteers to work alongside Kids Around The World in disassembling the playground and preparing it for its journey across the globe. Thanks to their efforts, the equipment was safely shipped as summer 2024 began.

A crane lifting a container

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Arrival and Next Steps

We’re overjoyed to report that the playground equipment arrived safely in Uzhhorod this July. It has been unloaded and is now securely stored at the Rroma Social Life Center. The final piece of this amazing puzzle will fall into place in early October when a team from Kids Around The World arrives to assemble the playground.

A group of men standing on a truck

Description automatically generated A group of people lifting a rock out of a truck

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This project is a testament to the power of community, faith, and perseverance. To all our prayer warriors and financial supporters: your dedication has brought joy and safety to countless children. Your support has not just built a playground; it has built hope, fostered community, and will create lasting memories for generations to come.

The playground equipment may have traveled thousands of miles, but its greatest journey is just beginning – from the hearts of our supporters to the laughter of Rroma children. Thank you for making this dream a reality!

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