April 3, 2024 – First Homes at Velyki Lazy IDP Community are Complete

The first two homes for IDP families at our Velyki Lazy IDP Community are now complete. These are new homes to bring normalcy back to families whose lives have been turned upside down. We are thankful to all of you who have supported this project with funds and prayer. Enjoy the pictures of the first batch of homes. Soon we will be sharing the stories of the families who will be living here. If you would like to make a donation towards the next four homes for IDP Families, visit our Rebuild Ukraine website.

Home 1

A kitchen with a sink and a refrigerator

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A bathroom with a shower and sink

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A bed in a room

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A bunk bed in a room

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Home 2

A kitchen with a wood floor

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A sink next to a wall

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A bed in a room

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A room with a bunk bed and a closet

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Home 3 – Still Under Construction

A room with a wood floor and windows

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A room with a wood floor and a bed

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The workers are living in Home 3 at the moment

Septic System for Homes 4-7

A path made of round concrete plates on a dirt hill

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