The United Methodist Committee on Relief and the Internatinal Association for Refugees purchased us a van to deliver humanitarian aid and rescue IDPs and bring them back to the safety of Uzhhorod. On our Maiden Voyage there were no IDPs leaving Kyiv, but Pastor Sasha found his dog who had been shot and brought him back to Uzhhorod. Pastor Sasha is the pastor of Bethany Baptist Church in Bucha, Ukraine where all the atrocities were discovered. He had left his dog behind when he and his family came to us as IDPs. When the Russians took Bucha, his neighbor wrote to inform him that Russian soldiers were living in his home and they had shot his dog Gracie. When Sasha brought the first load of humanitarian aid to his city, his dog ran out of a bombed out apartment building happy to see him. Reunited with his master, Gracie is now safely at the home of Doug & Marina Landro with One Collective, making new friends with their dogs.