New Hope Baptist Church, a member of the Transform Uzhhorod Alliance and host of one of our IDP centers, was the first church in our Sister Church Association (SCA). It was the idea of New Hope to launch the SCA to provide a guaranteed salary to pastors in Ukraine during these difficult times so that they could focus on their ministries instead of searching for employment on the side. They were finding it difficult to care for the growing number of war victims when they did not have the ability to care for their own family. We currently have 15 Ukrainian churches in the SCA.
In April, Pastor Vyacheslav began teaching theology at Kyiv Theological Seminary. Many of the professors had fled the country or were mobilized for the war, and local pastors like Vyacheslav filled in for them. Two of his students serve as chaplains for Ukrainian soldiers. This would not have been possible without the help of their Sister Church, The International Church of Ljubljana (Slovenia).