New Café Empowers Special Needs Friends

A person wearing a red apron holding a tray with two cups on it

Description automatically generated A person in a wheelchair

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In an exciting development, the Greek Catholic Church has recently launched a new café that provides employment opportunities for several special needs individuals served by NGO Nadia (Hope). While the Transform Uzhhorod Alliance wasn’t directly involved in establishing the café, we’re delighted for our Alliance member, NGO Nadia. The Greek Catholic Church has been a long-standing supporter of NGO Nadia’s ministry, providing them with facilities for their activities and assisting in the construction of a future residential home for their special needs friends. Our Alliance has also contributed to this home-building project through funding from our members, One Collective, Trans-Mission Partnerships, and the Corvallis/Uzhhorod Sister City Association.

To learn more about this inspiring initiative and discover ways to support our special needs friends, we encourage you to visit our website at, where you can watch an informative video about the project.

A person and person standing next to each other

Description automatically generated A group of people in red aprons standing in front of a glass case

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1 thought on “New Café Empowers Special Needs Friends”

  1. Yes, this is a wonderful project. Nadya and Lesya are tge key people.

    We (Trans-mission Partnerships) are committed to inclusion in all aspects of our work. We’ve supported this cafe since it’s opening and held several meetings with other Christian organisations at the cafe to try and promote this wonderful venture.

    Can I suggest others do the same. Inclusion is hugely important.

    Thank you

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