Church of Revival (Sumy) continues their ministry to victims of war even as the war swirls all around them. Sumy is right on the Russian border and continues to experience bombs dropping near their city. Recently one was dropped fairly close to home damaging the windows at Pastor Valentyn’s home.
“Over the past two months, we were able to serve our military by sending them the necessary warm things and food to the front. We also serve in the church: we celebrated Thanksgiving and constantly work with children (even now, when I am writing a letter in the office, there are classes with children in the hall of our church ). On Thanksgiving Day, we held a goody fair and used the proceeds to buy things our defenders needed. We used your funds during this period to refuel the church car and purchase necessary things for the church (light bulbs, tents, candles, etc.).”
This was the latest letter they sent to their Sister Church. Church of the Redeemer (Greenville, South Carolina) had come alongside them extending their committment of support by months. Now Church of Revival is in need of another Sister Church to continue assisting them during these difficult times.