Here is a story that got lost. Back in June we received a generous donation of 2000 New Testaments that were shipped to Kosice, Slovakia by City Bibles which we had to transport into Ukraine. Here is the harrowing story of that day back on June 28, 2022. It is another story on how the cargo van donated by the United Methodist Committee on Relief and the International Association of Refugees.
“Marina and I traveled to Kosice, Slovakia to pick up 2000 New Testaments that were sent as a gift (We also got to see “Top Gun: Maverick” finally). We did get the Bibles, but only because of your prayers. We had followed the instructions that our city mayor had given us for bringing in humanitarian aid. We have used this system for three months with no problems. But corruption in Ukraine forced the system to change which we were unaware of. So, we did not have the proper paperwork. And we got pulled over at the border for carrying contraband into Ukraine. They were not letting us through with the Bibles unless we paid a custom fee based on what they decided the Bibles were worth – which would have been around $600 which I did not have. Marina told me that they were just saying that so we would pay a bribe. But I did not want to bring the Word of God into Ukraine with a bribe. So, we sat for five hours and they were just ignoring us. Then I felt the Holy Spirit give me an idea. I began carrying the boxes of Bibles to the custom office at the border one box at a time. After around five boxes, they asked me what I was doing. I said, “Since you will not let me in with the Bibles, I am giving them to you to distribute as you feel led by Jesus.” They just stared at me. Some began to laugh as my pile grew to ten boxes. The custom officer told me that I cannot leave them here as they were not a warehouse. I just kept bringing more boxes. Then she threatened to call the police and have me arrested. I smiled and said as I crossed my hands behind my back as if being handcuffed, “That would be great! I would love to see the headline – ‘Sixty-year-old American pastor who is assisting Ukrainian refugees was arrested for trying to bring 2000 Bibles into Ukraine’. Her jaw just dropped, and I returned and brought in another box. The two initial border officers who wanted a bribe then went into a back room where the supervisor was obviously sleeping (it was now 04:00 in the morning). He came out and told the officer in English “let them go” and then went back to bed. Five minutes later we were back on the road and heading home with the Bibles.”