Sister Church Partnerships Empowering Ukrainian Churches

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Description automatically generated We’re excited to share an inspiring update on our Sister Church Association’s impact in Ukraine. Our mission to assist struggling Ukrainian churches amidst the ongoing conflict has borne wonderful fruit. A shining example is the partnership between Covenant Church in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, and Full Gospel Christian Church (FGCC) in Nizhyn, Ukraine. Thanks to six months of support from Covenant Church, FGCC has expanded its ministry in formerly Russian-occupied areas and launched several new initiatives.

They founded the “Time of Space” NGO to empower youth in finding their role in God’s Kingdom and influencing society. FGCC’s leadership team received valuable training in social services through a workshop at the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary.

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Additionally, FGCC has initiated an outreach program to wounded soldiers, visiting them in hospitals to aid in their psychological, emotional, and spiritual recovery, aiding their reintegration into society.

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Description automatically generated Over the summer, they organized camps for children, teenagers, and young adults using funds provided through the Sister Church Association. Your generosity has enabled FGCC to be a beacon of hope, offering spiritual and practical support in their community.

If you want to make a difference, we encourage you to visit our website to learn how your church can partner with Ukrainian congregations through the Sister Church Association. Thank you for your continued prayers and support as we stand with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in Christ. Together, we are making a significant impact in supporting Christ’s church during these challenging times.

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