Transforming Lives: The Power of Sister Church Partnerships in Ukraine

We are thrilled to share with you an inspiring story of hope and resilience from our Sister Church Association in Ukraine. In these challenging times, your support is making a profound difference in the lives of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters.

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A Shining Example: New Hope Evangelical Church

In Uzhhorod, Ukraine, the New Hope Evangelical Church stands as a beacon of God’s love and grace. For over two years, they have been supported by the International Church of Ljubljana through our Sister Church Association. What began as a six-month commitment has blossomed into a long-term partnership, demonstrating the power of Christian fellowship across borders.

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Description automatically generatedThe Impact of a Sister Church relationship:

  • Pastor Vyacheslav can now focus full-time on ministry instead of working a second job.
  • A new generation of leaders is being trained, filling the gap left by those serving on the front lines or who have relocated as refugees.
  • The church is not just surviving but thriving, with recent highlights including:
    • A successful evangelistic event led by new church leaders
    • Five baptisms on Pentecost Sunday
    • Expansion of their church building

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This partnership has allowed New Hope to become a hub of spiritual growth and outreach. Pastor Vyacheslav now travels to Kyiv to teach at a seminary, raising up future pastors for Ukraine. Meanwhile, the newly trained leaders continue the vital work at home.

Your Opportunity to Make a Difference

While New Hope’s story is inspiring, many Ukrainian churches are still struggling. They need the support and encouragement that a Sister Church partnership can provide.

Will you prayerfully consider involving your church in this life-changing ministry?

To learn more about how you can support a Sister Church in Ukraine, please visit our website Transform Ukraine.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Together, we are making a lasting impact for the Kingdom of Christ in Ukraine.

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