April 22, 2024 – Providing A Home For Special Needs Friends

A person standing in front of a building

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A couple of people standing on a ladder

Description automatically generated In the heart of Uzhhorod, the Transform Uzhhorod Alliance (TUA), bolstered by the commitment of individuals like Nadia (Hope), works tirelessly to provide an inclusive space for individuals with special needs. Their initiative, in collaboration with the Greek Catholic Church and Caritas Foundation, extends beyond just care; it’s about enrichment and empowerment through various clubs including dance, music, reading, and art. One Collective has played a supportive role in these endeavors, not only by contributing dedicated staff but also by equipping the initiative with the means to establish small businesses like candle and jewelry making.

A couple of women standing in front of a building

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A wooden staircase in a building

Description automatically generated with medium confidence Facing the daunting prospect that one day they might lose their caregivers and be relegated to institutional life, cut off from their community, these special individuals now A building with a dome and a bell tower

Description automatically generated have a beacon of hope. Nadia’s vision of a group home is coming to fruition with support from One Collective and Transmission Partnerships, also members of the TUA.

This home is taking shape above the current center, with a second floor nearly ready to open its doors. As funds are gathered to build a connecting staircase, the focus is not just on tomorrow but on today. These rooms, once accessible, will offer temporary refuge for families displaced by the war. This initiative exemplifies the Alliance’s commitment to holistic transformation, weaving together the strengths of a community to lift each other in times of peace and crisis alike.

You can watch a video and read more about this project by visiting its project page by following this link.

A building with a crane and a truck Description automatically generated with medium confidence                                                     A dog lying on the floor of a room under construction Description automatically generated

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