Russian Forces Retreat from Sumy Oblast – Day 44 (April 8, 2022)

Summary of the Events of the Day

The Battle for the Sumy region is over with Ukraine as the victors. All Russian troops have retreated from the region. As Ukrainians flee the Eastern regions of Ukraine in front of a massive Russian attack, Russia has resorted to purposefully killing the civilians as they flee, the worst atrocity being a missile attack on a train station in Kramatorsk.

Battle for Kyiv (including Chernihiv)

As Ukrainian troops sift through the rubble of Borodyanka they have uncovered worse atrocities than were found in Bucha with 26 bodies now uncovered. The body count in Bucha has risen to 163. 132 civilians have been found killed execution style in the ruins of Makariv.

Amnesty International released their report that confirms numerous acts of war crimes perpetrated on Ukrainian civilians by Russian soldiers. In the report they talk about women who were raped in front of their children, and then the children then raped afterwards. They describe the shooting of a couple in front of their children, and another man shot dead execution style in front of his family. The report includes the account of the murder of Gostomel Mayor Yuriy Prilipko as he was delivering food to starving families in his city. And there are stories of kidnappings and murder.

Battle for the Donbas (Donetsk, Luhansk, Mariupol, Kharkiv, and Sumy)

Civilians heeding the advice of President Zelensky and fleeing their homes in Eastern Ukraine as Russian forces converge on the region, are constantly finding themselves being targeted by missiles, artillery, and mortars. Russians shelled and damaged the rail line out of Shchastia preventing civilians from leaving by train. Thousands of people had gathered at the train station in Kramatorsk when an illegal Russian Tochka-U cluster missile struck killing at least 52 people and injuring hundreds more. The type of missile for the attack was chosen because it would inflict the most civilian deaths. Despite all the impediments by Russian forces, 6500 Ukrainians were able to evacuate the East today.

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A group of people lying on the ground

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Russians continue their heavy attacks on the Contact Line (Rubizhne to Popasna). Severodonetsk, the easternmost town still under Ukrainian control, is one burning city. The city is under constant shelling. Five houses were hit in Avdiivka resulting in the death of one civilian. Artillery rained down on civilians in Zolote igniting several homes and injuring five people. Ukrainian forces held their ground and inflicted heavy damage on the attacking Russian forces.

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Ukrainian forces liberated the village of Husarivka, 65 miles south of Kharkiv, finding Russian atrocities committed against its residents during their month-long occupation. One family were found necklaced in their yard. This form of torture is when tires filled with gasoline are placed around your body and then set on fire.

The Battle for Sumy has been won. Ukrainian forces continue to retake territory that had been occupied by Russian forces around Sumy and Kharkiv. Ukrainian forces now control the region northeast of Sumy which clears all Russian forces out of the entire region of Sumy. Ukrainian forces have also retaken all territory north of Kharkiv all the way to the Russian border. The area is still not safe as it is heavily mined.

Mariupol continues to be under Ukrainian control. A civilian icebreaker ship was attacked killing one civilian crewmember.

The Battle for the Black Sea (Odesa, Mykolaiv, and Kherson)

Fuel storage tanks were hit by missiles near Odesa. No casualties were reported.

The Battle for Water for Crimea (Zaporizhia, Melitopol)

A ferry carrying civilians trying to evacuate from the Russian-controlled southern shores of the Kakhovka reservoir was attacked by Russian Grad artillery as it left their village of Pervomaivka. The boat had made six journeys carrying civilians to safety. Fourteen people were making the seventh attempt when the boat was struck. Two adults and one child perished, seven were hospitalized, and two are still missing.

Other Regions

Three artillery strikes were made against civilian neighborhoods in Dnipro resulting in the deaths of four and another seven hospitalized. Two people are missing.

Other News

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov admitted publicly that Russia has suffered great loss during their invasion of Ukraine.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Europe’s only ally to Russia, has agreed to support Russia’s economy by purchasing Russian oil using rubles as payment. The European Commission warned Hungary that such action would be a violation of EU sanctions against Russia.

International Support

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, EU High Representative Josep Borrel, and Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Geger visited Kyiv to show Europe’s “unwavering” support of Ukraine. They also visited Bucha to witness the atrocities committed there by Russian troops. During the visit it was announced that the EU will provide another €500 million in military assistance. Slovakia also gave Ukraine a S-300 air defense system.

Canada released their new annual budget which includes $1.5 billion in military assistance to Ukraine.

Australia has given 20 Bushmaster armored personnel carriers to Ukraine worth $38 million.

Montenegro, a country that has received heavy investment from Russia and much of its resorts are owned by Russians, finally placed sanctions against Russia and expelled four Russian diplomats.

Japan has banned all coal imports from Russia and expelled eight Russian diplomats.

The Czech Republic has become the first country to supply heavy weapons for the defense of Ukraine. They delivered five T-72 tanks and five BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles.

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