Ukraine Secures Two Crossings of the Siversky Donetsk River – Day 70 (May 4, 2022)

Summary of the Events of the Day

Two strategic crossings of the Siversky Donetsk River were captured cutting off Russian forces shelling Kharkiv and making it more difficult for Russia to supply their main troops in Izyum preparing for an attack on Kramatorsk and Severodonetsk.

Battle for the Donbas (Donetsk, Luhansk, Mariupol)

Russia has mobilized 22 battalion tactical groups near Izyum to launch a drive to Kramatorsk and Severodonetsk to capture the Donbas according to British Intelligence.

Russian forces conducted 34 attacks along the Donbas Contact Line with their heaviest attacks on Severodonetsk, Rubizhne, Lysychansk, and Zolote. Street fighting was also heavy in the contested city of Popasna. But Russia was unable to make any significant progress on their goals of taking Severodonetsk and Kramatorsk by May 9.

Wednesday was one of the bloodiest days for Ukrainian civilians still living in the Donbas with 21 killed and another 28 wounded. Ten civilians alone died in a missile attack on a coke plant in Avdiivka.

Another 156 civilians were safely evacuated from the Azovstal steel mill in Mariupol arriving in Zaporizhia where they will now continue their journey west to safety. Many will arrive at our centers in Uzhhorod where we care for nearly 400 internally displaced Ukrainians. Meanwhile, Russian forces attacked the steel mill for a second day in a row and all communication with the Ukrainian defenders in the mill has been lost.

Battle for Kharkiv

Ukrainian forces have captured Stary Saltiv and Oskil, two strategic cities that cover crossings of the Siversky Donetsk River. Both will make it difficult to resupply Russian troops battling in the Donbas, but also cuts off Russian troops that are shelling Kharkiv daily.

Other News

The Ukrainian parliament passed legislation banning pro-Russian political parties within Ukraine. A party is banned if they deny Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine, supports Russian annexation of Ukrainian territory, or justifies the violations of Ukrainian territorial integrity.

The Belarussian army conducted surprise maneuvers to test whether they are battle ready in a possible sign they plan on declaring war on Ukraine, possibly as part of the Russian May 9 Victory celebration. Russia is also expected to officially declare war on Ukraine on the day.

The European Union pledged to increase military aid to Moldova to defend against the imminent Russian invasion of their country.

Russia boycotted a meeting of the UN Security Council, a further sign of its deteriorating relationship with UN members.

International Support

The European Commission passed legislation proposing a complete ban on the importation of Russian fuel resources into the EU by the end of 2022, except for Hungary and Slovakia who will be allowed more time. The legislation must have unanimous approval from the member States to become law which is unlikely as Hungary is a strong ally of Russia.

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